Terentei chin yg l adilhan heterhii neg talaas harj bichsen baina. Huvtsas avhad une hamaagui ee taalagdsan huvtsasaa l avch l baival bolno bizdee gol ni etssiin ur dun chi avsanuu avaagui yu gedegt l baina. Zugeer hun durtaigaa l umsch ...
July 25, 2010 2:08 PM ? The Red said... bi oorooo ene urdulag medehgui l dee kkkk gehdee ter orchuulj bgaa duunii ug neg tiim nadiiinhar huu adilhan sanagdsan bolhoor ni hesgees ni huulaad tavital ingej garch irsiimaaa kkkkk ...... MetroDad Mailbag (The Asian Edition) - When my friend Phil Yu, who runs the illustrious news site Angry Asian Man, asked me to write a guest post on his site while he takes a much-needed vacation ... 2 weeks ago ...
The family pretended they were flying to Mexico for a bvacation/b but during a stopover at Toronto's Pearson airport, they asked for asylum. In movies, spies retire to a quiet life. The ending of Mr. Bumuutseren's story is still uncertain. The Immigration and Refugee Board has b....../b eceg n bas badilhan/b chehed tamhnii hergeer zuragtaar garch bn ihcih bulchirhiygui nudnii bulainuud yandaa mongolchuu daa neg l odor eh orongui hyatadiin bool bolood yavna daa. 139486. asfda ...